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游奎一,博士,教授,博士生导师,现任澳门沙金网站js500院长,湖南省杰出青年基金获得者。先后入选湖南省高校青年骨干教师培养对象,湖南省“湖湘青年英才”支持计划,湖南省“芙蓉学者”青年学者,湘潭市优秀专家,国家公派挪威科技大学(NTNU)访问学者。现为国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金、湖南省科技计划项目、江西省科技项目等通讯评审专家,湘潭大学学术委员会委员。近年来主持或完成国家自然科学基金3项,主持或完成湖南省科技厅重点研发计划项目、湖南省杰青、湖南省教育厅重点、湖南省自然科学基金等省部级项目6项。获湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖、获湖南省科技进步一等奖1项(排名第9)、获湖南省自然科学三等奖1项(排名第3)、获湖南省第二届石油化工优秀工程师奖、获湖南省化学化工学会第十一届青年化学化工奖等奖励或荣誉。近年来在J. Catal., Chem. Commun., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Chem.Eng. J., Chin. J. Catal., Appl. Catal. A, Mol. Catal., Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.等国内外刊物共发表研究论文40余篇,申请专利22项,已授权12项。目前主要从事催化材料与催化反应工程、有机催化合成以及石油化工产品等方面的基础与技术开发研究。


1998.09-2002.07,  湖南师范大学    化        学   获理学学士学位;

2002.09-2005.07,  湖南师范大学    有机化学   获理学硕士学位;

2005.09-2008.06,  湘 潭 大  学        化学工程   获工学博士学位;

2008.07-2009.12,  澳门沙金网站js500化工系讲师;

2009.12-2014.12,  澳门沙金网站js500化工系副教授,硕士生导师;

2014.12-至今,       澳门沙金网站js500化工系教授,    博士生导师;

2015.03-2016.03,  挪威科技大学国家公派访问学者






1. 主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目“过渡金属-钒磷氧复合氧化物基固体超强酸的构筑及其催化二氧化氮选择性硝化芳烃性能研究”(2017-2020,No.21676226)

2. 主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目“NO2 气相硝化氧化低碳环烷烃一步制备硝基烷烃和二元羧酸反应及其多相催化调控研究”(2013-2016,No. 21276216)

3. 主持完成国家自然科学青年基金项目“环己烷亚硝化一步转化成己内酰胺反应中的多相催化研究”(2011-2013,No. 21006081)

4. 主持湖南省重点研发计划项目“聚酰胺材料单体新型催化剂研制及其绿色制造技术”(2019-2021,No.2019GK2041)(在研)

5. 主持完成湖南省杰出青年基金项目“环己胺催化氧化制备环己酮肟”(2018-2020,No.2018JJ1023)

6. 主持完成湖南省教育厅创新平台开放基金项目“表面羟基催化剂的构筑及其催化氧化环己胺制备环己酮肟”(2017-2019,No.17K088)

7. 主持完成湖南省教育厅重点项目“酮肟水解与萃取耦合技术一步制备羟胺盐新工艺研究”(2013-2015,NO.13A096)

8. 主持完成湖南省自然科学基金项目“气相催化硝化低碳烷烃合成硝基烷烃”(2011-2013,No. 11JJ3024)

9. 主持完成湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目“新型VPO复合氧化物催化剂的构筑及其催化硝化氧化反应性能研究”(2011-2013, No.11B122)

10. 主持完成湖南省科技厅项目“环己烷亚硝化一步合成己内酰胺工艺研究”(2010-2012,No. 2010JT4051)

11. 主持完成湖南省教育厅一般项目“固体酸催化环己酮肟液相Beckmann重排制己内酰胺”(2010-2011,No. 09C955)


  1. 罗和安,游奎一,任成韵,刘平乐,吴剑,王良芥。一种高选择性联产硝基环己烷和己二酸的方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201010125321.6

  2. 罗和安,游奎一,赵方方,彭超,谭珊,吴剑,刘平乐。从酮、氨和双氧水制备羟胺或羟胺盐的方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201410344297.3

  3. 罗和安,游奎一,赵方方,彭超,谭珊,刘平乐,吴剑。反应-萃取耦合制备羟胺盐/羟胺的方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201410344367.5

  4. 罗和安,游奎一,蹇建,周忠仓,刘平乐。一种联产己二酸和硝基环己烷的方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201310250015.9

  5. 罗和安,尹笃林,游奎一,毛丽秋。一种环己酮肟液相重排制取己内酰胺的方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL 200810030823.3

  6. 罗和安,毛丽秋,尹笃林,游奎一,匡尹杰,刘平乐。一种合成己内酰胺及其低聚物的方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号: ZL200610031284.6

  7. 罗和安,游奎一,蹇建,周忠仓,刘平乐。一种联产己二酸和硝基环己烷的方法,国际发明专利,PCT申请号:PCT/CN2014/081818

  8. 游奎一,邓人杰,蹇建,罗和安,刘平乐,艾秋红。从苯制备硝基苯的方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201510474520.0

  9. 游奎一,罗和安,周生辉,高红旭,邓人杰。一种固载型路易斯酸硝化催化剂制备芳香硝基化合物的方法。中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201611193896.5

  10. 罗和安,游奎一,刘水林,宋进源,刘平乐,艾秋红。一种环己胺氧化制备环己酮肟的方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201710512870.0

  11. 罗和安,游奎一,刘水林,宋进源,刘平乐,艾秋红。一种环己酮肟的制备方法,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201710519215.8

  12. 罗和安,游奎一,刘水林,宋进源,刘平乐,艾秋红。一种钛磷氧催化剂的制备方法及其应用,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201710519214.3

  13. 罗和安,游奎一,张纯,李汪涛,刘平乐,艾秋红。水滑石复合过渡金属催化剂用于环己醇氨解反应中的用途,中国发明专利,授权专利号:ZL201711061104.3

  14. 罗和安,游奎一,张纯,李汪涛,刘平乐,艾秋红。水滑石复合过渡金属催化剂用于醛类或酮类化合物临氢氨解反应中的用途,中国发明专利,申请号:201810001682.6

  15. 罗和安,游奎一,周生辉,蹇建。以有机胺作为没食子酸脱羧催化剂制备焦性没食子酸的方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201811549490.5

  16. 罗和安,游奎一,张智敏,陈文凯。  一种耦合环己烷混合物脱氢技术的环己醇制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:201910120040.

  17. 罗和安,游奎一,傅尚军,陈真盘,倪文金。一种钴铈复合氧化物催化剂的制备方法及应用,中国发明专利,申请号:201911008756.

  18. 罗和安,游奎一,倪文金,刘平乐,艾秋红。一种环己酮肟的制备方法(A),中国发明专利,申请号:202010103112.5.

  19. 罗和安,游奎一,傅尚军,倪文金,魏亚南,刘平乐,艾秋红。一种环己酮肟的制备方法(B),中国发明专利,申请号:202010103344.0

  20. 罗和安,游奎一,曾伊白, 张雅晴, 袁欣雅,艾秋红。无机固体硅基磺酸(磷酸)催化剂及制备方法和应用, 中国发明专利, 申请号:202010177579.4.


(1)获湖南省杰出青年基金 (2017年)


(3)入选湖南省“湖湘青年英才”支持计划 (2014年)


(5)获湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖 (2010年)



(8)入选湖南省高校青年骨干教师培养对象 (2011年)


(10)获湖南省化学化工学会第十一届青年化学化工奖 (2010年)

(11)入选首届湘潭大学青年拔尖人才工程 (2013年)

(12)获湘潭大学研究生校长奖特等奖 (2008年)


  1. Renjie Deng, Kuiyi You*, Wenjin Ni, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, He'an Luo *, Low-temperature and highly efficient liquid-phase catalytic nitration of chlorobenzene with NO2: Remarkably improving the para-selectivity in O2-Ac2O-Hβ composite system. Appl. Catal. A, Gen., 2020, 594: 117468.

  2. Jingbin Wen, Kuiyi You*, Minjuan Chen, Jian Jian, Fangfang Zhao,Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and  He'an Luo *, Mesoporous silicon sulfonic acid as a highly efficient and stable catalyst for the selective hydroamination of cyclohexene with cyclohexylamine to dicyclohexylamine in the vapor phase. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11705-020-1973-2

  3. Jingbin Wen, Kuiyi You*,  Fangfang Zhao, Jian Jian, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and  He'an Luo *, AlCl3 immobilized on silicic acid as efficient Lewis acid catalyst for highly selective preparation of dicyclohexylamine from the vapor phase hydroamination of cyclohexene with cyclohexylamine. Catal. Communi., 2020, 145: 106112. 

  4. Peng LiuKuiyi You*, Renjie Deng, Zhenpan Chen, Jian Jian, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He'an Luo *, Hydrotalcite-derived Co-MgAlO mixed metal oxides as efficient and stable catalyst for the solvent-free selective oxidation of cyclohexane with molecular oxygen. Molecular. Catalysis, 2019, 466: 130-137

  5. Fangfang Zhao, Lei Yi, Renjie Deng, Kuiyi You*, Jinyuan Song, Jian Jian, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He'an Luo*,  Supported WO3/Al2O3 as bifunctional catalyst for liquid-phase highly selective oxidation of cyclohexylamine to cyclohexanone oxime under solvent-free conditions. Molecular Catalysis, 2019, 475: 110494

  6. Jingbin Wen, Kuiyi You*, Xingli Liu, Jian Jian, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He'an Luo *, Highly selective one-step catalytic amination of cyclohexene to cyclohexylamine over HZSM-5. Catal. Communi., 2019, 127: 64-68

  7. Renjie Deng, Kuiyi You*, Lei Yi, Fangfang Zhao, Jian Jian, Zhenpan Chen, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He'an Luo*, Solvent-free, Low-temperature, Highly Efficient Catalytic Nitration of Toluene with NO2 Promoted by Molecular Oxygen over immobilized AlCl3-SiO2. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57: 12993-13000

  8. Shuilin Liu, Kuiyi You*, Jinyuan Song, Renjie Deng, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He'an Luo*, Supported TiO2/MCM-41 as an efficient and eco-friendly catalyst for highly selective preparation of cyclohexanone oxime from solvent-free liquid phase oxidation of cyclohexylamine with molecular oxygen. Appl. Catal. A, Gen., 2018, 568:76-85

  9. Renjie Deng, Kuiyi You*, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu and He'an Luo*, Highly selective preparation of valuable dinitronaphthalene from catalytic nitration of 1-nitronaphthalene with NO2 over HY zeolite. Can. J. Chem. Eng., 2018, 9999: 1-7

  10. Shuilin Liu, Kuiyi You*, Jian Jian, Fangfang Zhao, Wenzhou Zhong, Dulin Yin, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He’an Luo*, Mesoporous silica gel as effective and eco-friendly catalyst for highly selective preparation of cyclohexanone oxime from vapor phase oxidation of cyclohexylamine with air. J. Catal., 2016, 338: 239-249

  11. Jian Jian, Kuiyi You*, Xuezhi Duan, Hongxu Gao, Qing Luo, Renjie Deng, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai, and He’an Luo*. Boosting one-step conversion of cyclohexane to adipic acid by NO2 and VPO composite catalysts. Chem Commun., 2016, 52: 3320-3323.

  12. Jian Jian, Kuiyi You*, Qing Luo, Hongxu Gao, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai, and He’an Luo*. Supported Ni-Al-VPO/MCM-41 as efficient and stable catalysts for   highly selective one-step synthesis of adipic acid from cyclohexane with NO2. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2016, 55: 3729-3735

  13. Shenghui Zhou, Kuiyi You*, Hongxu Gao, Renjie Deng, Fangfang Zhao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He’an Luo*, Mesoporous silica-immobilized FeCl3 as a highly efficient and recyclable catalyst for the nitration of benzene with NO2 to nitrobenzene. Molecular Catalysis, 2017, 433: 91-99

  14. Shenghui Zhou, Kuiyi You*, Zhengming Yi, Pingle Liu and He’an Luo*, High-electronegativity metal salts as efficient catalysts for liquid phase nitration of benzene with NO2 to nitrobenzene. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng., 2017, 11(2): 205-210

  15. Fangfang Zhao,Kuiyi You*, Ruige Li, Shan Tan, Pingle Liu, Jian Wu, Qiuhong Ai, and He’an Luo*. A novel approach for preparation of hydroxylammonium nitrate from the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of cyclohexanone oxime, Ind.  Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54(3):819-823.

  16. Fangfang Zhao, Kuiyi You*, Chao Peng, Shan Tan, Ruige Li, Pingle Liu, Jian Wu and He’an Luo*. A simple and efficient approach for preparation of hydroxylamine sulfate from the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis reaction of cyclohexanone oxime. Chem. Eng. J., 2015, 272: 102-107.

  17. Shuilin Liu, Kuiyi You*, Jian Jian, Qing Luo, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He’an Luo*. A simple and efficient approach for highly selective preparation of nitrocyclohexane from cyclohexane with tert-butyl nitrite catalyzed by N-hydroxyphthalimid, Res. Chem. Intermediate. 2016, 42: 2211-2220

  18. Kuiyi You*, Renjie Deng, Jian Jian, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai, He’an Luo*. H3PW12O40 synergized with MCM-41 for the catalytic nitration of benzene with NO2 to nitrobenzene, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 73083-73090.

  19. Kuiyi You*, Zhongcang Zhou, Jian Jian, Renjie Deng, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai and He’an Luo*. A simple approach for preparation of dinitronaphthalene compounds from the nitration reaction of 1-nitronaphthalene with NO2 as nitration reagent. Res. Chem. Intermediate. 2015, 41:8307-8315

  20. Kuiyi You, Jian Jian, Haijun Xiao, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai, He’an Luo*. Highly selective co-production of nitrocyclohexane and adipic acid from vapor phase catalytic nitration–oxidation of cyclohexane with NO2. Catal. Commun., 2012, 28: 174-178.

  21. Kuiyi You, Fangfang Zhao, Xueyan Long, Pingle Liu, Qiuhong Ai, He’an Luo*. One-step synthesis of ε-caprolactam via liquid phase catalytic nitrosation of cyclohexane in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 2012, 6(4): 389-394.

  22. Kuiyi You, Dulin Yin, Liqiu Mao, Pingle Liu, He’an Luo*. Selective photosensitized oxidation and its catalytic regulation of monoterpene with molecular oxygen in different reaction media, J. Photochem. Photobio. A: Chem. 2011, 217: 321-325.

  23. Kuiyi You, Dulin Yin,Liqiu Mao,Pingle Liu,He’an Luo*. Catalytic Modulation on the Regioselectivity of the Photosensitized Oxidation of α-Pinene with Molecular Oxygen under Sodium Lamp Irradiation. Chin. J. Catal. 2011, 32: 1610-1616.

  24. Kuiyi You, Liqiu Mao, Lei Chen, Dulin Yin, Pingle Liu, He’an Luo*. One-step synthesis of ε-caprolactam from cyclohexane and nitrosyl sulfuric acid catalyzed by VPO supported transition metal composites. Catal. Commun., 2008, 9: 2136-2139.

  25. Kuiyi You, Liqiu Mao, Dulin Yin, Pingle Liu, He’an Luo*. Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime to ε-caprolactam catalyzed by sulfonic acid resin in DMSO, Catal.Commun., 2008, 9: 1521-1526.

  26. Kuiyi You, Bohua Wu, Liqiu Mao, Dulin Yin, Pingle Liu, He’an Luo*, A novel route to one-step formation of ε-caprolactam from cyclohexane and nitrosyl sulfuric acid catalyzed by VPO composites. Catal. Lett. 2007,118: 129-133.
